Tuesday, May 24, 2005


I'm sorry that i haven't posted anything for a while, but it's because I was nearly stolen.

Nasty men broke into our house and stole "anything that wasn't nailed down", but Howard said. And Big Howard doesn't nail many things down, so that means that they stole a lot.

They stole my projector, which we use in our show, and three laptops, and a "hard drive" which had lots of bits of my brain backed up on it. Luckily Big Howard is a bit weird and carries two laptops around with him most of the time, so the didn't take anything that Big Howard couldn't find somewhere else.

Big Howard said that if he hadn't been lucky with with way he backs things up I would have lost half of my brain and it would be like I'd had a "stroke". i don't want one of them, because they are rude.

Indispite of the buggery we still did our second Soft Play Area show and it went very well. Adam Bloom was on it, and he was very very funny and told me all about ladybirds and told some jokes. Glenn Wool did lots of jokes about The Pope with H-Bot 2000 (the funny robot from the future) and I told the lassies and gentleben about The History Of Pop with 56 year-old gay DJ Paul Gambochini.

Big Howard is bought a gun and has written "just try it! junky scum" across the front of our house, but the people in the flats upstairs keep on telling him that he's not allowed to do that.

Little Howard


Blogger Bat said...

I'm so happy that you didn't have a stroke.

What would the world be if there was half working fully animated 6 year old stand up comic who only had punch lines?

Say hi to Big Howard for me.

May 26, 2005 at 1:24 AM  

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